I am very much looking forward to going to work on Monday because now the passing of every day is one step closer to being in our home. I have researched paint, vacuum cleaners, HDTVs, plants, and started a little floor plan program (until I realized I didn't have any dimensions of our current furniture).
I've shopped for various small appliances but haven't bought any because I don't want to move them around twice. (I figure moving out of here is going to be painful enough as it is, with all the stuff we mailed and brought in suitcases.) Yesterday I was hunting down sheets, towels and shower curtains and greatly missing Bed Bath and Beyond or Linens'N'Things, neither of which this island has.
I did find a sofa that will be delivered on Friday, Sept 5th, but we still need a coffee table, and at least one other chair for the living room. I've researched bookshelves and storage options for DVDs and CDs for the hundreds that Chris owns of each. All we have for our master bedroom is the sleigh bed from England; no nightstands or chests of drawers for clothes. Neither of us is too thrilled with the current bedspread, so I've been looking at bed-in-a-bag and other options on various internet sites. I keep debating various window treatment options. I want to find some really stunning outdoor furniture.
But now I'm tired of living my life thru this computer. I want to go buy something, anything, and put it in my new house. I want to hang a shower curtain. I want to fold towels and put them away in my little linen closets. I want to put stuff in those nice turn-around shelves in the corner cabinet in the kitchen. I want to run thru the house turning the lights off and on. I want to wash clothes in my own washer and dryer. I want to play with the oven. I want to stock the fridge. And after that, I want to swim in my pool, then relax in my spa and then eat an orange from my tree. I want to ride my bike around my new neighborhood. I want to walk across the street and pick up some fresh veg from Safeway.
And all of that has to wait.
At the walk-through, the agent said we could get in this weekend. Chris replied, "I don't know why we'd want to do that." But of course we want to do that! Er, at least one of us does. I want to get bottled water and treats ready for the movers. I want to hang those shower curtains. I want to open all the closets and kitchen cabinets and see them completely empty. I want to touch the plants and smell the roses. I want to see my car in the carport. I want to feel like this beautiful, peaceful sanctuary is really ours.
I realized the other day that as an adult, I've never lived in a single family house before. I've lived in apartments and townhouses and condos and flats and duplexes. This is the first time we've had a little plot of land all our own. (We plan to hire a landscaping firm...)
The Olympics were a great distraction, but now they've come to an end. So yes, work can't come fast enough. It's a good way to make this week go by fast, this odd week as we continue to finish this process piecemeal. It's an escrow state, after all.
I tell myself to enjoy each day as it comes, to welcome what each moment has to offer. Not working. At least, not at this moment. I'm tired of this semi-vacation lifestyle.
I'm ready for reality. I think...
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