I wrote the following almost two weeks ago, before departing on the trip mentioned in it. I just didn't get a chance to post it, so I'm doing so now anyway, and will report over the next few days on the concert, the trip, and an update on the house-putting-away...
5 Sept
I thought I’d write down some of those witty thoughts I was having earlier. Things like salesmen should have you make up a sleigh bed before you buy one. Truth in bedding – there oughta be a law for that one. We still think our movers in England were knuckleheads. The more we unpack, the more we think that….
We are doing pretty well with the unpacking. The kitchen is by and large in usable shape. Since I have so much room in it, I just stuffed most of the collectibles and display items from all over the house into some of the cabinet space. Then when we have our shelving and rooms in better order, I can pull that stuff out again.
That’s the thing with moving and unpacking. It’s not a one-decision process. You usually have to put something in an interim spot until you find (or buy) its permanent spot. Sometimes you move things around enough that you can’t remember anymore where they are. I’m getting to that point now.
Met the pool man yesterday, though. He came by to do his weekly thing. The previous owner apparently liked to do his own chemicals. I asked the pool man (Kevin) if that was normal, and he said, no, with most clients, all they needed to do was swim and he took care of everything else. I gave him a big thumbs up. That sounds like a plan to us.
And to top it off, I have my first concert with the symphony this weekend as part of the symphony chorus. We’re not doing much, but I still have to show up in my long black dress and pearls. I have to confess I’m still struggling w/ the second soprano part on the Star Spangled Banner. No telling what I’ll sing. Or if I’ll chicken out and just smile and mouth the words. I’m standing back by the brass section anyway. I could sing my heart out and no one will know. When it’s soprano versus trumpet, trumpet always trumps.
And, and, after that, I fly off Sunday night at 10pm for a business trip back to the east coast. I managed to upgrade to first class, so I was happy about that. They still feed you up there, so I don’t have to schlepp 12 hours worth of food with me. But I’ll be gone for a week when I would much rather be here messing with our stuff.
The bright spot is that I’ll get to spend the next weekend w/ my mom, sister, and niece in Pigeon Forge and Dollywood. At least that should be fun.
We got our new sofa today. Chris hasn’t said much beyond a couple of comments on its color. As you can see from the picture, it’s a cream colored leather number. “It matches the dining room chairs,” he said first. “Funny how that happened,” I replied. “What if I spill red wine on it?” I didn’t point out that he rarely drinks red wine. “That’s why I bought the protection package,” I said.
I wasn’t too thrilled with most of the furniture I saw, but this sofa really hit the spot. The true test will be how well it naps. Chris already fell asleep on it sitting up, so I hope that ‘s a good sign that it’s a proper nappin’ sofa. (Of course we’re both so tired these days that we could fall asleep on a bed of nails.) I love how well the color goes with the tile floor and the pool deck, and how the shape echoes the curves of the pool. In this long rectangular room with six sliding glass doors (more long narrow rectangles), I just had to have some curves.
Speaking of curves, I went to the doc today for a routine matter. They weighed me. Ouch. I gained 27 pounds in England. TWENTY SEVEN POUNDS. I am seventeen pounds over the max weight for my height, making me officially one of the 2/3’s of Americans who are overweight. I couldn’t believe it.
I don’t associate numbers that high with my body. But I do now! Yikes. Between the pool and the consistently pleasant weather, I have no excuse not to exercise and lose some of this flab. But most of all, I gotta figure out why I eat so much. I wish I could treat food like dental floss - just something you have to do.
Well, those are about all the witty thoughts I can muster at the moment. I’m sure more will come to me. So stay tuned for more on moving and unpacking, and for more pictures.
PS and of course, for the full scoop on a day at Dollywood Splash Country, and my opinions on travel today - DON'T DO IT. JUST STAY HOME.
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