Thursday, December 11, 2008


Seems like it's the day for bad weather all the way around. Tonight's news had articles on east coast storms and even snow in New Orleans!

But it was our day, too, even if we didn't make the national news. Last night as we went to bed, a hard, steady rain was falling. When I got up, it was still falling. First thing I did was check the pool, curious if it had rained enough to fill it to the top - yep, sure had. No other rain we've had has made much of an impact. I had some breakfast and did a little to my hair and face and checked the pool and backyard again.

Now, not only was the pool to the brim, but the entire backyard area was under a thin layer of water, which had not been the case just a few minutes before. I got my lunch together and checked the backyard again. More water. I opened our patio doors and looked down. Another inch to go before it would be at the bottom of those doors.

I thought through my calendar and remembered an 0800 that I'd been trying to get set up since late October. Hating to miss that, I left Chris a note and headed out to work.

This is the first time in my adult life that I've had covered parking between door and car, and boy was I grateful for that. Still, the amount of rain on the street was just scary.

The closest way to work that I normally take had a couple of big dips in the roadway that I was certain would be ponds by now, so I took the long way in. The second major left turn I have to make was without its traffic light, but people were being lovely, treating it like a three-way stop and everyone taking turns. They're like that here, most of the time.

I was on the last section of road to work and got completely stopped in traffic, so I picked up my voicemails. The doctor scheduled an appointment for me with a specialist at a time I can't make it. Okey dokey, gotta change that. My new eyeglasses are ready -yippee! The pair I have is literally falling apart.

Two voicemails from work - the second one saying we're closed for the day and not to come in. At the first opportunity, I turn around, but while stuck in traffic, try to call Chris and leave him a message.

On the way home, the road I normally take is flooded, so I head back the long way via the interstate. At one turn, as I'm making a right, it feels like the car won't stop, just like I'm driving on ice. But no, just water, a lot of water.

When I get home, Chris is gone and I see his phone sitting on the kitchen counter getting recharged. Guess he won't be getting my message... The rain has started to let up and the water in the backyard has largely receded, though the pool is still to the very top.

When he does get home, he starts working on pumping out part of the pool, bless his heart. I call the people for the virtual 0800 meeting and let them know why I can't make it... I end up going out to an additional facility we have and viewing the damage there. Then I come home, make some more phone calls, finish my Pearl Harbor book, and take a nap!

I also check the local web sites and follow all the weather drama. Various parts of the island are experiencing severe flooding. Five shelters have opened up for people to go to. About 40 schools have closed. Numerous roads are closed due to flooding and mudslides. About 13,000 people are without power. The state Department of Transportation is asking people not to drive - stay put at home or work.

This is not the tropical weather anyone tells you about...

The news stations also report that the area where we live got between 9 and 11 inches of rain overall last night, at times 3 inches an hour were coming down. We're supposed to get more rain in the next 24 hours, with a flash flood watch still in effect until 4:15pm Friday afternoon.

It's still supposed to be rainy and showery for Sunday, the day of my big 10K moment. But I won't mind walking in a few showers. But the stuff we had today - if it's like this, I'll be here at home...

I understand that the island gets a day like this every year or two. We can expect downpours of 3-4 inches an hour every 22-31 years. So at least we shouldn't have 2-3 more months of this!

Looks like work will be on tomorrow though. Good thing I got that nap in - I can be up early and rarin' to go...

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